TSX:ELEF $0.210
Silver: $34.126
TSX:ELEF $0.210
OTC:SILEF $0.140
Silver: $34.126

Apogee Drill Results Confirm the Presence of High Grade Veins and Broad Zones of Mineralization at Candelaria, Santa Isabel

TORONTO, Ontario April 5, 2005 Apogee Minerals Ltd. (TSX Venture Exchange: APE) has received all remaining analytical results from its Phase 1 drilling program at the Candelaria at Santa Isabel project in the Potosi district of southwestern Bolivia (see Press Release dated December 3, 2004). The preliminary Phase 1 exploration program was designed to test one vein set (the Consuelito vein), a small portion (300 x 150 metres) of the larger vein system (3000 metres x 2500 metres) at Candelaria, Santa Isabel and to confirm the potential for both high grade veins and possible bulk-mineable mineralization consisting of veins and veinlets.

Apogee Vice-President Exploration Robert Campbell commented: “These new drill results are very significant and confirm the presences of high-grade Silver-Zinc-Lead veins within a broader zone of Silver-Zinc-Lead mineralization. The results to date from Consuelito reflect data from only one small vein set of many across an area of 7.5 square kilometres. As more data is compiled and we prepare to begin a Phase 2 program at Candelaria with an improving perspective on the system, we will be sampling and drilling across a broader set of important veins”.

The results from the preliminary 3-hole drill program confirm the possibilities for both high grade veins and potential bulk-mineable mineralization consisting of veins and veinlets. Assay results from drill Hole #1 (SI-04-01) included several significant high grade Silver-Zinc-Indium veins, including 15 metres of 252.9 g/t Silver, 13.11% Zinc, 1.36% Lead and 230.2 g/t Indium (see Press Release dated February 10, 2005). Hole # 2 (SI-04-03) intersected 109 metres (136-245 metre) 1.11% Zn and 9.98 g Ag/t including 4 metres (136-140 metre) 3.23% Zn and 19.14 g Ag/t and 3 metres (175-178 metre) 4.69% Zn and 19.10 g Ag/t. Hole # 3(SI-05-04) intersected 4 metres (39-43 metre) 2.19% Zn and 59.50 g Ag/t.

Holes # 2 and #3 represent more of the broader zone of mineralization which is common in these types of deposits. The Bolivian Altiplano and Eastern Cordillera hosts an important metallogenic event. Major hydrothermal ore deposits of gold, silver, tin, lead, zinc, bismuth and antimony are related to near-surface stocks and subvolcanic eruptive centers. The mineralization occurs in veins, fracture swarms, dissemination and breccias. The deposits are telescoped with early high temperature phases and have some affinities with the epithermal low-sulfidation type model.

“We are very pleased with the progress of our Phase I program at Candelaria at Santa Isabel” stated Apogee President and CEO John Carlesso. “The results we have received are confirming our model of the area and we are actively planning Phase II to expand and quantify the known areas of mineralization”.

The significant points of interest at Candelaria, Santa Isabel are:

The Candelaria at Santa Isabel Project is located in southwestern Bolivia, approximately 587 km south southeast of La Paz, within the San Antonio de Lipez District, Potosi Department, near the border with Argentina. The property is comprised of one 200 ha block and Apogee Minerals has reached an agreement with the owner to acquire up to a 95% interest in the property through exploration expenditures and cash and share payments over a four year period (see Press Release dated Oct. 6, 2004).

Apogee’s Phase 1 Exploration program at Candelaria at Santa Isabel consisted of detailed geological mapping, re-sampling existing mineralized drill core and anomalous trenching to verify previous results, new surface sampling and 3 holes totalling 1,012 metres of diamond drilling.

Apogee’s next phase of work will focus on completing the compilation on the rest of the veins, underground and surface sampling, mapping, and preparing the property for an aggressive drill program.

Mr. Robert Anderson Campbell, M.Sc., P.Geo., is the Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101 responsible for the scientific and technical work on the exploration program and is responsible for reviewing the technical disclosure in this press release. All analytical work has been completed by ALS Chemex of North Vancouver, BC, Canada. A suite of 30 elements was analyzed using aqua regia digest and ICPAES analysis (ALS Analytical Code ME-MS41). Any samples exceeding threshold limits were re-analyzed using the most appropriate technique: silver, zinc and lead – agua regia digestion, AAS finish (ALS Analytical Code AA46), gold – 30g fire assay with AAS finish (ALS Analytical Code AA25). ALS Chemex is a respected international analytical service which is accredited with NATA and complies with standards of ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 17025:1999. They employ a variety of international standards for quality control purposes. The company has initiated a QC program consisting of utilizing standards, duplicate and blank samples and laboratory cross-checks. Apogee Minerals Ltd. Is a Canadian exploration and development company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol APE. The company has several advanced Silver-Zinc exploration properties in the historic Potosi Department of southwestern Bolivia and has agreed to acquire the Silver-Zinc-Lead producing La Solucion Mine outside of La Paz, Bolivia. For more information please visit the company’s website at www.apogeeminerals.com.

Statements in this release that are not historical facts are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Readers are cautioned that any such statements are not gua rantees of future performance and that actual developments or results may vary materially from those in these “forward-looking statements”.

For further information contact:
John Carlesso
President and C.E.O.
(416) 861-5881
